Transforming Spaces: The Illusion of the Blue Kitchen

I want you to imagine yourself in a blue kitchen cabinets Portland, OR that makes you feel as if you were standing by the sea on a warm summers day, awash in a breeze of fresh air. Blue kitchen cabinets in Portland are sweeping the city, breathing new life into homes that used to be so-so bland at best and crummy mediocre at worst. ‘Why this trend all of the sudden?’ you may ask. Well, blue suggests tranquility, depth, and even the heaven. Perfect for a city that’s perpetually shrouded in foggy mornings and has a lively arts scene.

Just adding a little splodge of blue can change the whole mood of your kitchen. These shades–whether it be a stormy navy or a pensive teal–draw a breath of calm into every morning cuppa. No need to worry, they don’t pull down rooms. They play with light and wind, as so your elbow-high Pacific Ocean can come streaming into your dining nook.

But blue is great practically speaking too. It can hide those annoying fingerprints like magic, much better than plain white cabinets. Picture this: Your neighbor pops in for a surprise visit after your three-year-old has decided that finger-painting with peanut butter is a good idea. And those blue cabinets? They’re taking it in stride—nothing of the chaos is evident beneath their surface.

For those worried about mixing blue with other colors, don’t lose sleep. Blue gets along with everyone. Stainless steel, wood tones, or that little splash of gold here and there–all are granted a role in the life of this cheerful, unified kitchen. Not only that, but there’s a smorgasbord of countertops and backslashes to pick from for even more layers and textures. Courtsey of Portland’s haute-cuisine kitchen.

Now, back to the source of Portland’s most popular blue treats.Blue And cabinet makers have been busy about turn their wares into a sensation across the city that fits in with its friendly eco-friendly ethos. They use recycled wood, natural paints–you name it. In Portland, we love the real thing and a well-crafted cabinet tells its own story.

While chatting with a local cabinet-maker at his Saturday stall, one Portlander reported that these blue cabinets had been the subject of more dinner conversations since his last holiday abroad (and even getting these few words together he had a wicked grin on). That may sound a tad impudent, but well old Chinese saying “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” or at least in the praise that you receive does seem to have a ring true here!

Has your present kitchen left you feeling blue? (Sorry, couldn’t resist!) A simple color change might just change its entire aura. Take the plunges in headfirst and turn your kitchen into as exuberantly comforting as a Willamette River walk. That’s right, your home deserves a sliceof blue sky.

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